In brief:
Barso Re: After SOK-Munbe Vaa's success, ARR drowns Shreya for a playful solo test the sweetness of her voice with Naveen's flute given her a mundane "na re na re" hum. While shreya tries to mount on the first note, naveen's flute sounds almost mute and reverses back by a chuckle on the second note. Listen that carefully, Isnt that teasing? and I really doubt shreya got hold of it (haha...its in the Mixing later) The mild chorus (ho ho) and drumbeats carries through the rest of the prelude. A funny prelude from the three. The most captivating part is the Ist Interlude the alaap followed by flute & drumbeats & rhythm progression. Otherwise the tune,rhythm, arrangements including shreyas rendition sounds plain and predictable. II Interlude is very short and doesnt evoke interest for the next charanam. Ending is much more monotonous. Na na re (1970's music) :thumbs down:
Tere Bina: The song starts with dum dara dum dara from Murtuza&Qadir brothers followed by ARR singing "Tera bina beswaadi beswaadi ratiyan". Literally bowled over on the first line itselft. beswaadi without U those are the tasteless nights.True! True! The full translation is available here from Mr. Durba ARRYG. The lyrics is truly elevating the song into its true spectrum. Turns to a romantic ghazal. The usage of tabla, guitar & harmonium & the Ist interlude alaap and the intro of Chinmayee is mindblowing. Chinmayee herself was much surprised the way she sounded in this soundtrack. She has given a totally different feel (sadhana/madhushree)after the IInd interlude and Rahman following is the best part of this soundtrack.
Tere bina sona peetal - without you gold is peetal /* [ peetal= an alloy metal looking like gold]Tere sang keekar peepal - with you the keekar is tamarind /* [ keekar = a bitter taste vegetable available in Norh and west India]
Aaja katena ratiyan - Come, can't spend the night
Rahman himself has rated this track as his favourite may be in order to escort with his dedication to Ustad NFAK, the man who influenced him for singing. Somehow I feel this song should have been sung by the brothers itself for one reason if there is no Chinmayee in it...The duet arr-chinmayee is new and its really appealling. The track beautifully ended with Chinmayee 'Oh Oh' on the similar note how she started. Isnt "Dum dera dum dera" part a overdose..
Ah Hairathe: Undoubtedly, The pick of the album. Its poo kodiyin punnagai in the prelude and it transforms to tera bina theme? Why again?. A much more beautiful romantic ghazal from HH-Alka. Loved the tabla beats,harmonium & guitar. The Ist interlude is bit differing like the prelude. Rahman has been experimenting this offlate. Alka has done full justice. Listen to the place where she gets an entry and how she teases,
kyun urdu/farsi boluthi ho ho... (2)
dus kehathe hoin do kholthi hon
chootonki shahinshah..... bolo na
Can someone post the translation of this full song? Or I have to wait till someone posts on the ARR YG. IInd interlude is beautiful. The usage of accordian is mindblowing the way it was woven in and out reminds me the piano chors in kadhal sadugudu. The song finally ends with the dum dara part like a slogan-Alka a pray for Guru's success. Great Job there Rahman.
Ek Lo Ek Muft : A perfect situational drunken song (Ohho Kicku yeruthe). Now in the form of Bolo Guru - Suno Sishya(Gulzar). I can understand the lyrics even without the translation. I dont feel ashamed while everyone rip this song. Its amazing that two tamilians composing a situational song like this in their movies . Only Mani-ARR combo can comeup with such songs (earlier senyore). I love this track! Bappi da is awesome and he is very much under control not what others claim. The Yammo Yammo loy is highly captivating and the Ist interlude is the beautiful piece of music. Now check how sensibly Bappi da continues Oh.."babu bhai" pranam "raju bhai" salaam and there is no stop from there. The tune, Bappida's singing, lyrics is really alluring, if you listen carefully. Zoiya Zoiya rahman has innovatively drifted the track to gujarati folk. Man, Is that Chitra? :shock: I wouldnt been surprised if it was Chinmayee? I cant wait to watch this how Mani picturises. :two thumbsup: (I dont care) Yammo Yammo Lay Rocks!!
Jaage Hain : I just got hold of the translation. Simply beautiful. The spirit of Guru is here. Chitra's intro is a beautiful lullaby and slowly it transform to a ARR's high pitch. ARRahman always rocks in the theme. Opera style of music. This one is entirely different attempt. I am not sure if this is the track that Mani has rated as the best in the album. Have to wait and watch how he picturised it in the film. Or is it just going to be in the background.
Jaage Hain : I just got hold of the translation. Simply beautiful. The spirit of Guru is here. Chitra's intro is a beautiful lullaby and slowly it transform to a ARR's high pitch. ARRahman always rocks in the theme. Opera style of music. This one is entirely different attempt. I am not sure if this is the track that Mani has rated as the best in the album. Have to wait and watch how he picturised it in the film. Or is it just going to be in the background.
In short:
Mayya Mayya : These are the words I am singing non-stop: dancing to yammo yammo loy and watching a belly dance. Is that going to be Malika? :sorry abhishek banghead: She cant dance! Great vocals from Maryam Toller: I can hear chnimayee utter something in the BG. The desi pubs/clubs are going to replace this very soon or already done. Lyrically I dont understand most of the part but I enjoy every part of it. What does Walida Walida mean and how it came into this track (played on the trailor)
Baazi Laaga: On my first listening, I really wondered how ARR could compose a song like this. This is really peppy 60-70's track and Udit's on his usual mannerism. The song travels like a journey. I am puzzled why Madhushree's voice was scratched. She is one of the finest singer after Tehzeeb... I really didnt like her in this track. Will Guru emerge as a richman in this single song? Phew!

I'll Wait for the movie script, screenplay, cast performance & BGM. None of the MR movies disappointed me.There is really something worth to watch why Mani opted for a different type of soundtrack. The Gurus know better.
From ARR fans POV: Will this fetch him the 5 th National award?