Rustic Journey in the land of Kurdish Music
Updates of Originals:
Sivan Perwer-Min Beriya Te Kiriye
Perhaps this could be the most originative version of Munbe Vaa Anbe Vaa. However good is AR's reworked duet the similarity cannot be precluded and the original is simply overwhelming. This may be also the reason why I like passionate solo.
Sivan Perwer - Voice of freedom @0.48 - Dil Gira Dafatan Guitar riffs.
Zelemele's ameyme is another manga theft of the series. The first thing which strikes me is Savana's orchestration usually all these kurdish songs have beautifully long preludes. Pallavi is ripped off and passed as Uyirile - VV. Infact GVP's Uyirile vellithirai also have a similar version with lots of variation but @ the end you can find where gopika goes vizhiyile at a slow tempo... Another reason original version doesnt have much varioations in the charana, So both HJ & GVP created their own which is totally out of harmony. Being familiar with HJ manga theft, I checked other songs surprisingly Munzur O "yaali yaali ye...yaali yaali ye " rap, charanam & ameyme pallavi matches the same. 3 songs of VV. Check the Original mix...
Zelemele - Munzur O - wwww.zelemele.com
Zelemele - Savana
Zelemele - Siware
Zelemele - Ameyme
///Offlate or from the birth, there are lots of Sufi influences in Indian/Tamil movie Songs. If you are bit familiarized with their rustic folk/now pop/rock blended versions you will come to know that lot of Our composers have a permanent tent in Kurdish land. ARR being the pioneer right from his Roja days (munbe vaa,newyork nagaram?, khwaja, masakali, aditi(pritam :lol:) marginally all falls into this genre..) now passionately followed by other composers as well. Amit Trivedi another great talent(refer his recent interview about Delhi 6 songs he mentioned only 3 songs masakali,dil gira,rehna tu all are sufi based) Dev D & Aamir songs also have full-swing sufi influence not a real rustic Indian folk we may think the same with Masakali or Rehna Tu as rock based. For ex. Tauba meri jhalwa in Emotional atyachar, Chukkar Gumayo, payaaliya pallavi are quiet obvious influences of Sufi Music.I haven't listened much to other composers but HJ & GVP (check savana/uyirile(2) their own versions) also have a major share and I will try to upload some relevant parts soon. Now I see a totally different trend pick the original alter and present it as a Indian versions. tunekku panjame illai! Hear one more from Legenedary poet, sitarist, composer Sivan perwer Kani Kani Afsarghani////