If someone is stealing(shall I put "continuously") and passing it as his own "ORIGINAL" work for money and fame that’s cheap and disgraceful and it sure to be denuded. Such thieving swines will keep breeding until our ignorant populace gets well-informed and onnum projanam illadha (good for nothing) copyrights law gets stringent. I have come across lot of lifts/inspiration but look at the level of stealing these thieving swines have ripped off. I am watching the bleach series and I am damn Shellshocked. Plot, Theme, characters, appearance, mannerism including original soundtrack(5 so far) onnuma vittuvaikala (nothing unleft watch it for yourself). This is bl$$dy Outrageous theft of cartoon series BLEACH!! Soul Reapers logo as Indian National Emblem on Police badge and Shirt button. Policekkeva? Whats so annoying is Gautam Vasudeva Menon , the director himself appears as an ex-Encounter Specialist (watch it!) calling this as police officers real life story.. Now coming to music part, I never knew that a song/track can be created like this before Its like "how to create your own website in just 3 easy steps". No need to wander your soul you stupid that’s fully available on the Original Soundtrack for BGM as well just pick the template and add some transition effects.
//"Aamir" Hindi Movie debutant Director Rajkumar Gupta paid INR 8 lakhs to get one beautiful track Peggy Lee's Good Day and he does approached philiphina movie makers "Cavite" whether to continue or scrap it though he could prove the script was developed two years before Cavite released. Manusayyan ivan! Atleast he contacted the makers. Just imagine what would be the fate of Kalai puli, GVM & HJ for stealing Bleach 360 degree perimeter. GVM wouldn’t have imagined that Bleach will develop into this incredible level of stages cartoon, movie versions upto rock musicals and a ardent listener like me would spark a resemblance//
Now the funny part is Awards & Rewards. Forget tea & coffee awards this movie's music was awarded for TamilNadu State award (2003) because the title credits shows "Original Music & Background Score by Harris Jeyaraj". The movie was sledged for the award because lots infidelity to police/criminal laws because the original is such a classic work of art! An alternate strong contender "Autograph" grabs it for the same year. Does these *** jury ever care to check the genuinity of the script/music or to get an acknowledgement from the producers that its original. Neengale porukki award kudupeengala idhukku perthaan State award? Do they have any authority to revoke this award and sue them a ode to all others so that we might be able to see less but some good and "Original" movies/music.
Theft(1): Characters

Theft(2) : Cartoon Oru Vooril - Tonight

Now you will know How Surya is thrown out of the WALL not window? with those bullet shots

BLEACH, Unimaginable Bloodcurdling action scenes! The scale of liveliness in this action thriller is incredible which the stolen version spoiled in form of louuu scenes...
Next Costume Theft...hold yr breath!
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